Ale Moliné's Tech Blog

Useful links

Internet history from a computer museum

Internet history podcast

Retro page of Internet usage Site Generated circa 1999. Shows how Internet was like back then

Retro page of Internet history Cool retro page of Internet History. Realy simple and concise

History of the DNS

History of e-mail addresses

Primitive e-mail: RFC 385


CERN web

How Netflix works

How the Internet was born

Original explanation of the WWW prococols (HTTP & HTML)

Catalog of free Programming Books

Niklaus Wirth Lilith computer project

Best Python blog ever


Facebook Developers debug tool

Beginning Perl free book

Full Emoji Unicode list To use for copy&paste

(C) 2018-2020 by Alejandro Moliné.

Your comments or feedback are welcome:

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